Saturday, January 7, 2012

Kakaloka day!

Wow! what a day! I wish I've taken some photos.
I wish I could have done 1head more but I was pressed for time :s

03:30am Waking up & shower time.
04:30am On my way to 1st client in Urdaneta.
05:00am Start of make-up.
06:30am Done!
07:30am Home & rest

--- Break---

10:00am On my way to Greenhills for 2nd client
11:00am North Greenhills. start prep. 4heads (1adult + 3kids).
02:30pm Done!
03:30pm Lunch at a Korean Resto "Jang Ga Nae" yum!

VERDICT = HAPPY CAMPER!!! Priceless!!!